

Immerse yourself in forgotten places, along less common paths, with new found companions.

"Vivid with immersive historic detail, plotted with memorable twists and turns, and told in arresting, irresistible prose."
Publisher’s Weekly Booklife, Editor’s Pick

About Michelle

I believe reading and writing historical fiction can transport us to other places and times. But what is most satisfying about historical fiction is the uncanny way it reveals timeless insights about the human condition that are just as relevant to our own time.

News & Reviews

Erik Satie, often labeled as the quirkiest composer in history, is frequently misunderstood. His apparent eccentricities, rather than being mere oddities, were often manifestations of...
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During the Middle Ages and early Renaissance in Spain, military service was a common occupation for Jews. This may have been due in part to...
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New Release

Paris Bohemian

In Belle Époque Paris, two starving bohemians Erik Satie and Claude Debussy meet in a chance encounter at an occult bookstore, and find instant rapport and musical kinship. The friendship between the two young men provides solace as they struggle to find their way forward. 

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